Your Study Timetable

Decide on a time each day when you will start your study, and then do your best to stick to those times.

Make sure you put into your schedule all your after-school activities too.

There may be days when you cannot start at the time you said you would. Just be sure to start as soon as you can after then.

Routines can be very helpful in putting you in the right frame of mind for study.

Put your study schedule up on the wall in front of you in your study space so it’s there every time you look up. This is an easy way to help you remember and stay on track.

Study Break Times

Standing up, stretching and moving around (even if it’s only for a few minutes) helps to rest and refresh you so you’re more alert when you sit back down again. It helps to get the blood moving again so you have more energy.

Do this regularly,

  • every 30 minutes or so
  • when you’ve finished a subject or a section

Always allow yourself at least 30 minutes at the end of your study time to do something completely different before you settle down for sleep (this helps your brain to know it’s finished study for the night).

Best Times to Study

  • As soon as possible after you get home from school. Give yourself time to have something to eat and drink and do the chores, and then settle straight into your Study Space.
  • About an hour after your evening meal. This gives you time to digest your food; any sooner and you might feel too sleepy to do quality study.

A sample timetable

Make your own personal one, Put in your activities and MUST watch TV programmes (not too many though).


If you don’t have time to do a full study period, even 5 minutes will help you. In fact, sometimes a whole lot of 5 minute bursts can produce some very focused and effective study.